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- Physio Clinic Locations
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- Ellerslie
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East Auckland
Highbrook East Tamaki- Howick
South Auckland
Airport Oaks- Papakura - Counties Care
- Pukekohe
- Taupo
- Turangi
- Clinical Suite Waikato
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Hāwera- New Plymouth
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Manawatu - Whanganui
Feilding- Marton
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- About Active+
- About Active+
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- Become part of Active+
- Complete additional training in the traditional chinese method of acupuncture
- Upskill in lymphoedema management/progressions in cancer rehabilitation
- Complete an offroad mid-distance running competition
- Keep up with her twin girls and toddler son!
Active+ Ellerslie
Stacey Borich
Senior PhysiotherapistAbout
Stacey has been working at Active Physio for over 10 years focusing on hands on therapy, acupuncture and exercise prescription to help treat her clients. Her physiotherapy special interests include concussion, oncology physiotherapy, acute management of musculoskeletal injuries, massage and progressive pilates strengthening for maintenance of long term injuries. She also sees private clients for regular strengthening and maintenance programmes with great results.
Stacey is a certified PINC Pilates provider working with women post cancer diagnosis and treatment. She is a certified pilates equipment instructor and teaches on an individual and group basis. Stacey completed her post graduate certificate in acupuncture in 2014 and enjoys using western based acupuncture as an added treatment option for her clients. Stacey has recently added concussion services to her many talents, she has been trained in concussion treatment and management. She is a great asset for our Ellerslie community.
My Goals
Post Graduate Cerificate in Acupuncture AUT 2014
Bachelor of Health Science (Physiotherapy), Auckland, 2009,
Certified PINC Rehab physiotherapist 2012
Certified equipment pilates instructor 2011Address
180 Main Highway
Hours of practice
Mon - Thurs
7:00am - 7:00pm
7:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
Keeping your body & mind A+
Level 14, ANZ Centre, 23-29 Albert St, Auckland