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Occupational Therapy
What is Occupational Therapy?
According to the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT), occupational therapy is a client-centred health profession concerned with promoting health and well-being through occupation. At Active+, when we talk about the word ‘occupation’ it refers to the everyday activities that people do as individuals, in families and with communities to occupy time and bring meaning and purpose to their lives.
Do you need an assessment?
In order to create your treatment plan, we complete an assessment within your home and/or your workplace. Part of our job is to find potential barriers which may stop you from engaging in your daily activities. These assessments may include observation of tasks, discussions, and various globally utilised assessment tools. Working in collaboration with you and your whānau/employers we will come up with a plan that will help you to achieve your goals.
How we can help
You might be referred for occupational therapy if you are having difficulty completing activities such as household tasks, like making the bed, cleaning or doing the laundry. If you’re having trouble dressing, showering, working or taking part in leisure activities such as sports or hobbies, then you can get referred to an Occupational Therapist.
Treatment plans
It has been said that, ‘Medicine adds days to life; occupational therapy adds life to days.’ This is an integral part of our philosophy at Active+, and we implement a treatment plan to help you achieve your activity goals.
Working closely with our multi-disciplinary teams - including Physiotherapists and your own GP - we provide a number of options to help you to achieve your goals. These include adaptive techniques, self-management, pain management and education, right through to providing assistive devices or equipment.
Why choose Active+?
While we know we’re not the only provider of occupational therapy, we consider ourselves to be the best. When you are referred to us, we will put you in touch with one of our friendly local Therapists who will work closely with you at every step of the way.
We have a client-centric approach that focuses on your well-being above all else. With a range of professions on hand, we can provide lots of different assessments and treatments all under one roof, creating a streamlined, multi-disciplinary approach to your rehabilitation.
Active+ holds a range of various ACC funded contracts. We can also provide private occupational therapy services including work station assessments and provision of appropriate equipment to suit client’s needs, whether at home or in the workplace.
Click here, to find a branch near you, or use the Contact Us tab on the top right to send us a message and we will be in touch.
Keeping your body & mind A+
Level 14, ANZ Centre, 23-29 Albert St, Auckland