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- About Active+
- About Active+
- Become part of Active+
- Become part of Active+
- Pain Management Service
- Training for Independence (TI)
- Concussion Services
- Vocational Rehabilitation- Stay at Work
- Vocational Rehabilitation - Back to Work
- Vocational Rehabilitation - Job Brokerage
- Vocational Rehabilitation - Occupational Assessments
- Psychological Services
- Sensitive Claims Contract (SCS)
- Neuropsychology Services
- Social Rehabilitation - Social Rehabilitation Needs Assessment, Housing Modifications, Wheelchair Assessments, Education Based Rehabilitation
- Home & Community Services (HCS)
- TI Te Ata Tū – for clients with moderate injury-related needs.
- TI Te Ata Pō – for clients with significant injury-related needs.
- TI Tamariki and Rangatahi – for children and young people with either moderate or significant injury-related needs.
- Occupational Therapists
- Physiotherapists
- Speech Language Therapists
- Registered Psychologists
- Registered Nurses
- Dietitians
- Social Workers
- Counsellors
- Rehabilitation Assistants/Coaches
- Medical specialists
- Occupational Therapists
- Psychologists/Neuropsychologists
- Physiotherapists
- Other healthcare specialists as needed
- The maintain employment service, known as the Stay at Work Service within the ACC structure, is based on the principle that recovery is best achieved at work.
- The provider works with the client, employer and medical providers to identify and remove barriers to return to work and develop safe return to work plans which promote recovery/ rehabilitation of the client/employee and work for the employer.
- Ongoing support is provided to the employee and employer until the agreed work outcome is achieved.
- Where a client/ employee is not yet physically able to resume their pre injury job tasks, a functional strengthening programme is put in place either prior to or in conjunction with the return to work programme.
- The service is provided by occupational therapists, occupational health physiotherapists and physiotherapists. Input from other disciplines can be included in the service.
- Preparation for employment, including CV writing
- An exercise based programme
- Coordination of skills training, such as gaining of driver licenses, or computer training
- Sourcing, setting up and monitoring work experience, and liaising with employers regarding employment
- Vocational Consultants
- Physiotherapists
- Occupational Therapists
- Nutritionists
- Job search planning, and coaching
- Preparation of job applications, including CVs and cover letters
- Job search with and on behalf of the client
- Liaison with potential employers regarding contracts as appropriate
- Ongoing support as required help maintain employment
- Vocational Consultants
- Initial Occupational Assessment
- Vocational Independence Occupational Assessment
- Vocational Consultants/ Occupational Assessors
- Integrated Rehabilitation Assessment (IRA): The IRA is carried out to identify a client’s rehabilitation needs. The assessment allows for a broad overview to be taken; an objective snapshot of the client’s situation and needs at that point in time. The assessment includes relevant social and injury related background, and assesses functional capacity, comparing pre and post injury capability, for key activities of daily living such as hygiene, communication, mobility, domestic activities, safety, parental responsibilities, motivation and cognition. The assessment provides recommendations for ACC in regard to home support that might be needed such as home help, personal care, childcare and equipment. The assessment is usually carried out by a registered nurse or an occupational therapist.
- Single Discipline Assessment (SDA): This assessment is carried out by a therapist who is specifically skilled or experienced in the area needing assessment and for the purpose of identifying discipline specific injury related issues, barriers, needs impacting on recovery and for making recommendations for rehabilitation and/or equipment. e.g. it could be an Occupational, Physiotherapy, Nursing, Social Work, Equipment, Dietetic Single Discipline Assessment. It allows for an overview to be gained of the same areas covered by the IRA but is more focused on gathering information in relation to the specific area of the need identified in the referral e.g. Mobility.
Contracted Services
Active+ provide collaborative healthcare services in the wider community through a variety of ACC contracts that we hold. We currently hold or provide services on the following contracts:
Pain Management Service
The fully-funded ACC Pain Management Service involves an interdisciplinary team approach with individual and group programmes that help clients reduce the impact of persistent pain. Referrals can come from ACC or a health professional involved in the client’s care.
The service begins with an initial assessment to determine whether it is the right pathway for the client, followed by a recommendation to ACC. Once ACC approve the programme, the team collaborates with the client to identify what they want to achieve and develop a tailored treatment plan. Depending on the client's needs, the programme may include input from allied health, mental health and medical professionals.
Training for Independence (TI)
Training for Independence programmes focus on restoring clients’ independence enhancing participation in daily activities, and supporting community integration. They also aim to reduce risks to a client’s wellbeing and reduce the need for further rehabilitation. Fully funded by ACC, these programmes provide flexible and individual services to meet the needs of a range of clients.
Types of TI Programmes
Referrals are made directly by ACC for one of the three TI programmes:
Each programme can provide interdisciplinary services for up to six months, as well as less intensive Advisory Services which are offered in short-term (8+ weeks) and long-term (12+ months).
How the TI Service Works
The TI service provides an Integrated Rehabilitation Programme focused on goals that are meaningful and relevant to each client. An interdisciplinary team is assigned to support the client’s specific goals, with one member designated as the Key Worker. The Key Worker ensures smooth integration of services and keeps the client and stakeholders informed. While most TI services are provided by a team approach, TI Tamariki and TI Advisory Services may also be delivered by a single health professional.
Clinicians who can deliver services under a TI include:
Concussion Service
What is Concussion?
Concussion refers to a mild to moderate traumatic brain injury (TBI), caused by a blow to the head or a sudden stop, such as in a car accident. It can occur with or without a loss of consciousness.
Common symptoms include headaches, fatigue, irritability, dizziness, nausea, and slowed processing speeds. In most cases, these symptoms resolve within a few weeks. However, for a small number of people, their difficulties may persist for a longer period, and they may benefit from the support of the Concussion Service.
What is the Active+ Concussion Service?
The Active+ Concussion Service is a fully-funded ACC programme delivered by a interdisciplinary team to support people recovering from mild to moderate TBI. It provides interventions and education to help clients understand and manage their symptoms, reducing the risk of symptoms continuing beyond the usual recovery time.
This holistic service aims to get people back to their usual activities as soon as possible. The assessment process ensures a tailored approach to meet individual needs. Treatment typically lasts between 3 – 6 months, and involves an interdisciplinary team who specialise in treating concussion. The team work collaboratively with clients, their families/whānau, and ACC to support long-term recovery.
The team may include:
How to Access the Concussion Service
Referrals to the Concussion Service can be made by a medical professional, such as a General Practitioner (GP) or Emergency Department staff, or by an ACC Case Manager. Once we have received the referral, as assessment will be arranged to determine individual needs and develop a treatment plan.
Vocational Rehabilitation- Stay at Work
The purpose of vocational rehabilitation services is to help a client maintain employment, obtain employment or acquire vocational independence after injury.
Vocational Rehabilitation - Back To Work
The Back to Work service is for clients who have been working, have sustained an injury and are not able to return to the type of work they were previously doing. The service prepares the client for a return to the workforce in a new type of employment that will be sustainable from a medical perspective.
The service can involve:
Clinicians who can deliver services under a WR include:
Vocational Rehabilitation - Job Brokerage
This service is for clients who have lost their job due to injury and are ready to go out and find work. The aim of the service is to work with the client in any way possible to help them find employment.
The service can involve:
Clinicians who can deliver services include:
Vocational Rehabilitation - Occupational Assessments
There are 2 types of Occupational Assessments:
The Initial Occupational Assessment (IOA) is for clients who have been working, have sustained an injury and are now limited in their ability to work due to their injury, and are receiving weekly compensation. The outcome is a report which documents types of work that the client can do, based on their work experience, education and training, transferable skills and work preferences, but not taking into account their injury or medical matters.
Often we will also provide a CV as part of the Initial Occupational Assessment.
The Vocational Independence Occupational Assessment (VIOA) is very similar to the IOA, however is for clients who have been through an Occupational Assessment and may be nearing the end of their rehabilitation journey. Like the IOA, the purpose is to identify types of work the client can do with respect to the work history, education and training, transferable skills and types of work they are interested in. The outcome is a report.
Clinicians who can provide Initial and Vocational Independence Occupational Assessments are:
Psychological Services
The ACC funded Psychological Services contract is designed to provide a short term and targeted intervention to identify and address barriers or issues impacting a client’s ability to function, return to work and overall quality of life following injury. With the client’s input, goals are set and a plan is designed to reflect the client’s particular circumstances and needs. This will likely include providing timely and appropriate evidence-based psychological interventions, education for self-management, fostering of strong recovery coping strategies and client managed recovery and rehabilitation.
In other circumstances, the purpose of the service may be to assess ACC cover for mental injury from physical injury or work related trauma. Assessors provide an opinion on the presence of a mental condition, on causality, and other factors. ACC will subsequently decide on cover and eligibility for services.
Outcomes and client satisfaction are very important and thus, they are closely monitored. This service can be provided concurrently as part of a multidisciplinary intervention.
Sensitive Claims Contract (SCS)
The ACC funded Sensitive Claims contract (SCS) is a client-centred service to assist survivors of sexual assault. The service is easy to access. Clients can self refer or be referred by their GP or other agency. Active+ will put clients in touch with a provider close to where they live who can register their claim with ACC and provide support and assistance. Anyone who has experienced sexual abuse or assault in New Zealand can be supported by this contract and Active+ has therapists and allied health teams throughout both the North and South Island who work on this contract. It does not matter when the abuse happened or whether it was reported to the police. The process is private and confidential. If you would like to make contact with one of our providers you can email us on ISSC@activeplus.co.nz.
Neuropsychology Services
Neuropsychology is the study of the relationship between brain and behaviour. Neuropsychologists have completed specialized training in this area which then allows them to conduct these complex assessments. Active+ is able to offer neuropsychological assessments for a wide range of ages: childhood through to elderly populations. The results of these assessments lead to differential diagnoses, the development of treatment plans and recommendations regarding appropriate interventions. Initially, the findings result in establishing a baseline. However, the goal is to develop tailored programs, reflecting the individual needs of the clients, to improve their rehabilitation outcomes.
Social Rehabilitation
If you have had an injury and require support to better manage at home we can help you. Under the ACC funded Social Rehabilitation Needs Assessment Service one of our clinicians will meet with you in your home to assess what support and/or equipment is needed to support your recovery from injury. This might include recommendations for home help, personal care and/or equipment solutions. Depending on your location we may also be able to assist you with an assessment of housing modifications needed due to your injury, complete a specialised wheelchair and seating assessment or assist you or your child to cope better at school following an injury. Do be in touch with us if you would like to find out more.
The contracts we work on include:
Social Rehabilitation Needs Assessment (SRNA) – There are 2 components to the SRNA service: Integrated Rehabilitation Assessment (IRA) and Single Discipline Assessment (SDA). We have specialised assessors for these services in Greater Auckland, Northland, Waikato, Palmerston North and Wanganui.
Housing Modification Assessment: the aim of this service is to identify a client’s injury-related needs & barriers to access and independence in the home or workplace that limits their independence and participation, and what changes can be made to accommodate these. We have ACC approved assessors in Auckland, Northland, Waikato, Palmerston North and Wanganui available to do these.
Wheelchair assessment: These assessments are carried out by skilled therapists with specific knowledge and training and who are ACC approved to determine the most appropriate wheelchair, postural and seating options to meet clients’ injury related needs. We have assessors available in Northland, Auckland, Waikato and Palmerston North and Wanganui who can do these assessments.
Education Based Rehabilitation Assessment: These assessments are for clients aged 21 or under who are undertaking early childhood, primary, intermediate or secondary level education and require injury related support. We have ACC approved assessors available in Northland, Auckland and Waikato for this service.
Home & Community Support Services (HCS)
Active+ has partnered with Solora Healthcare & Rehabilitation, Te Amo Atawahi, Custom Care Nursing, and Royal District Nursing Service (RDNS) to provide physiotherapy and/or occupational therapy for clients who require Attendant Care and Home Management. This provides a high quality, flexible, holistic, integrated service at the right time, that minimises duplication and disruption to the client. It will help clients to regain and maintain maximum independence and quality of life, whilst reducing risk of (re-)injury and supporting the client’s wider health goals so the client is able to participate safely in the wider community.
During this service the client may have input from all or some of the following team members:
Support Worker, Nurse, Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist
If further rehabilitation is required the therapists will be able to recommend this to ACC who can then refer for the appropriate service required.
Keeping your body & mind A+
Level 14, ANZ Centre, 23-29 Albert St, Auckland