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- About Active+
- About Active+
- Become part of Active+
- Become part of Active+
- that you can browse our website without providing personal information
- what personal information we collect (for specific services like mailing lists)
- use of cookies
- how you can contact us if you have queries or concerns about our privacy policy
- we do not automatically record personal information
- we do not link information that is recorded automatically with personal information about specific individuals
- the type of browser you use
- the type of operating system you use
- the screen resolution of your PC
- the date and time you access our site
- the pages you have accessed and the documents downloaded
- the internet address from which you accessed our site (i.e. IP address)
- the search terms you used to find content on our website, and
- the last site you visited before you accessed the Active+ website
- fill in an online form
- subscribe to a service or newsletter, or
- correspond with us
Privacy Policy
We are committed to ensuring the privacy of your information.
This privacy policy applies to personal information submitted by you on this website and any information automatically retrieved during your visits to this website (together “your information”). For example, when you enter this website your computer may automatically be issued with a cookie. These are text files that identify your computer to our server, so that when you visit this website again, the cookie will identify your computer to our web server.
Please be aware that communications over the internet, such as emails, are not secure unless they have been encrypted. We cannot accept responsibility for any unauthorised access or loss of personal information that is beyond our control.
The Active+ web site may contain links to other web sites. Please be aware that Active+ is not responsible for the privacy practices of other sites our users choose to visit. If our users provide any information directly to parties other than Active+ (even if those sites are showing the Active+ or Active Physio brand), different rules may apply to the use or disclosure of the personal information disclosed. We encourage you to investigate and ask questions before disclosing your personal information to third parties.
This privacy policy tells you:
You can browse our website without providing personal information
You can access and browse our site without disclosing your personal information, for example:
We automatically record some non-personal information
We do not attempt to identify users or their browsing activities unless they choose to give us personal information.
If you visit our website to read or download information, we automatically record some non-personal information in a log file, for example:
Use of cookies
Active+ website uses Google Analytics to help analyse how people use our site. This analytical tool uses 'cookies', which are text files placed on your computer, to collect standard internet log information and visitor behaviour information in an anonymous form.
The information generated by the cookie about your use of the website (including your computer's internet address or IP address) is transmitted to and stored by Google outside of New Zealand. The tracking data is then used by Google to compile statistical reports on website activity for Active+ to evaluate site use. This allows us to discover what information is most and least used, determine technical design specifications, and help make our site more useful to visitors
We will not use the web analytics tool to track or to collect any personally identifiable information of visitors to our sites, such as user IDs and passwords. Active+ will not link, or seek to link, an IP address with the identity of a computer user.
Disabling/enabling cookies
You have the ability to accept or decline cookies by modifying the settings on your browser. Disabling cookies will not affect your ability to use Active+ website.
Learn how to disable/enable cookies in your browser.
When do we collect personal information?
We collect personal information when you:
For example, when you sign up to receive a service or newsletter, we will collect your email address, or when you fill in the change of details form, you submit personal information such as name, address and contact details.
Subscribing to a service or newsletter
If you subscribe to a service or newsletter through this website, we record your email address and/or mobile telephone number in a database. We use these to send you the service or newsletter by way of text or email.
In both HTML updates (those that contain text and images) and text email updates (those that contain no images), we track clicks to find out which links in the email were clicked on and by whom. In HTML email updates we also track whether the email itself has been viewed and by whom.
“HTML-sensing" is used to determine if your email supports HTML-based emails. This is employed only if you request our system to detect whether you can receive HTML emails.
Subscribing to newsletters or alerts implies that you have given your consent to receive emails from us, as defined in the Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007. You can instantly unsubscribe at any time by clicking "Unsubscribe" link in any of the email newsletters you have received from us.
Disclosure to third parties
We will not release your information to any third party except where required to or permitted to by law, where you have authorised us to do so, or where disclosure is connected to the purposes for which the information was collected.
Your information will be retained only for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected.
Access, editing and deleting
You may ask to see your information at any time by contacting Active+ through our email address. Your information will be held by us at:
Active Ltd
PO Box 96 246 Balmoral Auckland 1342We are happy to provide you with access to any personal information that we hold about you. You may ask us for access or to correct, alter or delete your information at any time, by contacting us at headoffice@activeplus.co.nz
Keeping your body & mind A+
Level 14, ANZ Centre, 23-29 Albert St, Auckland