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Active+ Ellerslie
Jess Martin
Occupational TherapistAbout
Jess graduated from Otago Polytecnic at the end of 2015 with a Bachelor of Occupational Therapy, studying in Hamilton. She has since moved to Whanganui, working as a new graduate at the hospital and is now excited to start working with the amazing team at Active+. Jess enjoys keeping active so values the importance of wellness and believes there is a strong correlation between being at work and living a happy, healthy life. Jess loves that this job gives her the opportunity to work with individuals who have sustained injuries and guide them back to work to maintain a meaningful and satisfying lifestyle.
When not at work Jess enjoys going to the beach, she loves travelling and exploring new places, especially in New Zealand. Jess plays club and indoor Netball here in Whanganui which she finds is a great way to meet new people! Jess and her partner foster a police dog Veto, who is full of energy!!
My Goals
-In 2020 I would like to attend a seminar hosted by Mason Durie to learn more on the principles relating to working with Māori and Māori development in health.
- I would like to travel around the South Island to see more of our beautiful country and support local businesses.
Bachelor of Occupational Therapy
Post Graduate Certificate in Occupational TherapyAddress
180 Main Highway
Hours of practice
Mon - Thurs
7:00am - 7:00pm
7:00am - 6:00pm
8:00am - 12:00pm
Keeping your body & mind A+
Level 14, ANZ Centre, 23-29 Albert St, Auckland