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Hamilton - Te Rapa - Blog
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Active+ Hamilton - Te Rapa
What is Pilates?
Have you ever wanted to feel stronger, taller, bendier or more stable? Then Pilates classes are for you. When taught correctly, Pilates is a safe and effective way to exercise and a great form of physical rehabilitation. It’s about whole body strengthening from the inside out, and is beneficial for any age, body, shape or injury. Our Pilates classes are great for both men and women looking to increase strength and stability or recovery from an injury.
Pilates and the Active+ difference
Active+ Pilates Instructors are all highly skilled Physiotherapists which is what sets us apart from other Pilates classes. We are able to modify your Pilates exercises to reduce the risk of injury, whilst at the same time encouraging your body to perform at its highest level. Active+Pilates classes promises to help your body be the best it can be.
Mat Pilates classes
We also have a range of Pilates mat-classes from beginners to intermediate level.These classes are purposely kept small so that we can ensure you have perfect form. If you are looking for a beginners Pilates class and want to see if it’s right for you, these classes are an ideal introduction where you’ll be taken though the Pilates exercises by a trained Physiotherapist.
Individual one-on-one sessions
We realise that not all bodies are made the same, so our one-on-one sessions are tailormade to take into account individual needs and goals. These Pilates sessions incorporate mat-work as well as pilates equipment such as the reformer, trapeze table, barrel and combo chair. Many of our clinics also work with the Gravity Training System (GTS) and this can also be used in a small group class.
Let us Connect You
543 Te Rapa Road
Te Rapa
Hours of practice
Monday 8.00am - 6.00pm
Tuesday 7.30 am - 6.00pm
Wednesday 7.30am - 6.00pm
Thursday 7.30am - 6.00pm
Friday 7.30am - 4.00pmPilates:
Monday - 4.00pm
Thursday - 10.00amKeeping your body & mind A+
Level 14, ANZ Centre, 23-29 Albert St, Auckland