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Active+ Albany
David Houston
Musculoskeletal & Neurological PhysiotherapistAbout
David graduated from AUT in 2019 with a Bachelor of Health Science in Physiotherapy and in 2021 completed his post-graduate training in Western Acupuncture. Prior to making the switch to neuro rehab, David built a strong background in musculoskeletal physiotherapy management within workplace, community and sports settings. Since starting with Active+ in 2022, David has enagaed in further education for assessment and management of vestibular conditions, stroke and s[inal cord injuries. With an emphasis on self management education, David is passionate about equipping his clients with the tools to minimise risk of further injury and promoting healthy and active lifestyles. David also has a passion for music and hopes to incorporate music therapy into his neuro rehab skill set in the near future.
My Goals
1, To engage in further courses to upskil his management of neurological conditions.
2. To incorporate music-based rehab classes for neurological management.
3. To become a New Zealand Pitmaster.
Unit 1, 84 Don McKinnon Drive
Hours of practice
Mon - Thu 7:00am - 7:00pm Fri 7:00am - 4:00pm Sat 9:00am - 12:00pm Active+ Neuro Physio Clinic
We have incorporated our Neuro Clinic into our Albany site. Our neuro-specific physios work out of this site and can see you for a range of conditions such as Parkinson's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebral Palsy, Spinal Cord Injury, Stroke, Peripheral Neuropathy, Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) and Vestibular issues as well as an experienced multi-disciplinary team working on ACC Concussion Services.
Our exercise space is equiped with specialised neuro rehab equipment, including a body weight support system, thus enabking those with disabilities to utilise exercise equipment with great outcomes.
We also run a range of neuro-specific as well as falls preventative classes in our purpose-built studio.
What to expect from your neuro physio appointment....
If you are unsure what we can do to help with a neurological condition, book a free 15 minute call with one of our admin team. They can help steer you in the right direction.
If you need more info, then you can book a 30 minute zoom call with one of the neuro physio team at a cost of $85.00. They can help you decide how to get the most from your appointment.
All neuro intitial appointments are 60 minutes and include a baseline assessment and a tailored treatment plan. If you need additional services, such as a home exercise plan or letters to specialists, then this will be charged additionally.
If you have a diagnosed neurological condition and would like to join a class, you will still need a full assessment to see which class is safe and suitable but if you are just looking to join a stability or balance class and don't have a neurological condition then you can book in for a 30 minute assessment to see which class is best for your needs.
If you have MS and wish to use the MotoMed free of charge, then you can call us to book in. Please be aware if you have not previously used this exercise equipment, you will need to book a 30 minute appointment to see how to use it.
Cancer Support Services
There are many specialist providers that offer additional support for you and your family members following a diagnosis of cancer.
Our cancer rehabilitation physiotherapist has undertaken additional training; they are certified to provide individualised care to these specific populations.
Remember your health insurance provider may include cover for physiotherapy or oncology massage services, also we accept Under the Canopy vouchers as provided by Canopy Cancer Care.
These services may be useful to you, you can ask your therapist for more information or check the websites provided in the link below:
Keeping your body & mind A+
Level 14, ANZ Centre, 23-29 Albert St, Auckland