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- Welcome to Monique Vosslamber, new Head of Organisational Services and Systems
Welcome to Monique Vosslamber, new Head of Organisational Services and Systems
Active+ is pleased to announce another appointment in our Executive Leadership Team. Nau mai, haere mai to Monique Vosslamber who is joining the team as Head of Organisational Services and Systems, a new role responsible for the provision of support services including oversight of external service providers. She will oversee finance operations, HR support, IT services, property, policies, cultural and sustainability programmes, reporting, staff development, and project coordination.
Monique is a registered nurse with a background in public health and extensive leadership experience. She joins us from Southern Cross Workplace Health, an amalgamation of MedPro Healthcare and Raise Mental Health, where she was the Business Growth and Partnerships Manager. Since 2014, she has spent her time as both General Manager and Operations Manager of MedPro Healthcare. She has played a key role in guiding MedPro Healthcare through significant growth and change, including its merger with Southern Cross Healthcare. Her team have said she is known for her calm leadership and her ability to engage and inspire her team.
Our CEO, Mike Bignall is thrilled to welcome Monique to the Active+ team. She brings a wealth of experience in leading, managing and delivering support services and systems within the healthcare sector.
Welcome Monique, we are very much looking forward to having you as part of the Active+ team!Shareby Hannah Stanford Published September 19, 2024
Keeping your body & mind A+
Level 14, ANZ Centre, 23-29 Albert St, Auckland