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- Returning to work after injury requires careful consideration and management for a smooth transition while prioritising well-being.
- Overcoming challenges on the return to work journey involves recognising and addressing obstacles, celebrating progress, and managing challenges proactively.
- Consultation with healthcare professionals to manage physical restrictions will assist to gradually increase activity levels.
- Effective management of psychological and emotional obstacles is recommended through seeking out therapy or counselling to cope with fear, anxiety, or depression during recovery.
- Through the Return To Work programme, Active+ offers personalised support and guidance throughout the process.
Navigating the Transition Back to Work After an Injury
Key points
Rejoining the workforce after an injury presents unique challenges that require careful consideration to ensure a smooth and successful return. Below are insights and recommendations to support your transition back to work while prioritising your well-being.
Overcoming challenges on return to work journey
Returning to work following an injury can feel daunting, but it's essential to acknowledge and address any obstacles you may encounter along the way. Celebrate your progress and be proactive in managing challenges to facilitate a successful transition.
Confronting physical limitations
Your injury may impose physical restrictions that require careful management. Consult with your doctor to develop a plan and medical certificate that allows for gradually increasing your activity levels at work while accommodating any limitations you may have.
Managing psychological and emotional barriers
Coping with the aftermath of an injury can impact your mental well-being. Seek support through therapy or counselling to address any feelings of fear, anxiety, or depression that may arise during your recovery process.
Adapting to workplace changes
Absence from work due to injury can result in changes within the workplace. Stay informed about any policy or procedural changes to ease your adjustment upon your return.
Tips to help your return to work journey
Collaborate with your healthcare provider
Work closely with your healthcare provider to develop a personalised plan for returning to work safely. Provide detailed information about your injury to ensure that your reintegration process is tailored to your needs.
Gradual integration into your ‘normal’ routine
Ease back into your workload gradually to avoid exacerbating existing injuries. Work with your employer to create a phased reintegration plan that includes regular breaks and accommodations as needed.
Tailor your workspace
Adjust your workspace to promote comfort and productivity. Consider ergonomic modifications such as adjustable furniture or assistive devices to support your recovery.
Leveraging assistive devices
Explore the use of assistive devices to aid in performing job tasks safely and efficiently. Collaborate with healthcare providers to identify devices that meet your needs and ensure proper fitting and adjustment.
Prioritise your physical and mental well-being
Take care of your physical and mental health as you return to work. Prioritise rest, nutrition, and exercise, and seek support for any emotional challenges you may encounter along the way.
By addressing these considerations and implementing appropriate strategies, you can navigate the transition back to work after an injury with confidence and success.
What to do if you need assistance with returning to work after an injury
Contact us today to learn more about the Return To Work programme and how Active+ can help you or your team members embark on a successful return to work journey. Every step you take brings you closer to your career goals and a brighter future. Don't let an injury hold you back; let us help you thrive in your professional life once more.
For inquiries about the Return to Work Service, please email erin.holland@activeplus.co.nz or contact ACC's Provider helpline on 0800 222 070 or providerhelp@acc.co.nz.
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Keeping your body & mind A+
Level 14, ANZ Centre, 23-29 Albert St, Auckland